Dev Log 3: Already Behind!


Well, let's not mince words: we're behind schedule already, which stinks.  The joys of having a baby.

Today, I'm going to log 2 hours, no matter what.  So I'm going to track them!

Our goals for the week: functionality must be in and complete.  Our goal for today: Get a room functional for both Boy and Grandma.

3:20 PM: We've got the Doom soundtrack on our new headphones.  Let's roll.  For some reason, this incredibly tiny project is taking over a minute to open, which is unusual.  Importing something, no clue what.  Moving on.

3:40: Door us unlocking, works great!  So technically, that's a room done for the boy.  Now, we'll build the room for Grandma, then start the swap.

4:17: Character switch is working great, we have a room built for Grandma, and discoverable items.  Moving along so far.  Going to make sure both door unlocks are working with their colliders, then set up some cinematic transitions / triggers for this little prelude scene.

4:27: Door unlocks are good.  Time for cinematics; this is my least favorite part.  I like the flavor it adds, but I've never really found great ways to do this script wise besides a bunch of very specific one-offs.  Which irritates me!

4:47 PM: Calling it a little early today, because of baby.  He calls the shots, as we all well know.  I'm about 30 minutes shy of where I wanted to be, but this is a decent stopping point.  I have to figure out how I want the cinematics to function first.  I'm happy with all of the rest of this, but I need to accept a little more fluidity with the cutscenes.  Or, at the very least, determine how those will look first. 

So, some good progress!  I'm feeling better after today's work; I felt very behind, but now I just feel a bit behind.  Let's get some speculating and brainstorming accomplished for the cutscenes, and we'll go from there.

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